Marketing Social Media

Brand Equity: Why It Matters the Most and How to Build It Strongly

Importance of Brand Equity Management

You may be wondering why is building equity important?The idea of Social Brand Equity modified the game for Brand Equity Management systems and marketing strategies; it has upgraded the disciplines from simple strategies to executive-level strategies. Strong brand equity benefits are worth more to investors, and brand equity impacts a brand’s economic value. On the other hand, brand equity marketing is distinctive as a statistic because it also influences customer behavior and satisfaction.

Promotes Brand Loyalty

Actually, what is building equity is Brand loyalty is the ultimate metric of client retention, and it’s earned by properly articulating your brand promise—and keeping it every time. It is much more convenient for marketers to keep existing customers and is much less expensive than acquiring a new one. Companies who work hard to cultivate true relationships with their customers and actively promote brand loyalty reap significant financial rewards in the long run. 

People are willing to spend extra for a brand they have a strong attachment to. Customer loyalty gives brands a huge benefit because it boosts brand value, gives them a huge competitive advantage, and lowers marketing expenses.

There are a few metrics through which we measure a Brand’s loyalty:

  • Lowering marketing costs to keep the loyal customers.
  • Increasing the trade strength.
  • Boosting brand awareness to gain new customers.
  • Responding to competition.

Increases Perceived Value

Another key component is perceived worth. Brand equity aids in the development of links between people’s perceptions of a product’s perceived benefits and costs. Customers’ perceptions of your brand’s superiority are measured by perceived quality. Customers will always pay extra for a brand that they believe is exceptional. Perceived quality is worth that much. Beginning with an understanding of your brand’s perceived excellence, look for your target clients. The best way to understand the extent to which your products or services are perceived as superior by customers is to conduct qualitative research, such as in-depth interviews or focus groups, as well as quantitative research, such as wide-ranging surveys designed to further assess customer perceptions. There are metrics to determine the brand’s perceived quality, keeping up with the quality to make customers buy it, higher the price higher it is associated with competitor’s brands, brand’s position attracts channel member interest, and serves for line extensions.

Brand Association

When certain company characteristics become imprinted in customers’ thoughts, this is known as a brand association. Brand associations are the positive or negative connotations that audiences form between your brand and other concepts. A brand association aims to associate it with desirable qualities such as premium, quality, and luxury. Positive brands have a better chance of dominating the market by providing more reasons for people to buy. Brand associations can be based on the functional, emotional, or social benefits. 

Apple, for example, is synonymous with innovation and excellent design. IBM is synonymous with dependability and trustworthiness.

The extent to which brand assets retrieve association from customer interests, distinctive features of the brand from competitors, attractive factors to buy, the extent to which your brand elicits a positive emotional reaction from customers, and the more brand extensions, the more brand associations it will get are the five indicators that can be used to assess the brand association.

How to Build Social Brand Equity

1. Develop a Strong Brand Reputation

Perceived quality and brand association are two important aspects of social brand equity to consider. It explains a lot about the advertising of companies like Apple and Hermès, which is largely focused on their brand as a whole rather than a specific product. People adore such brands for what they are, so they may grow their product ranges indefinitely. If your brand’s image is messy and ambiguous, its brand equity will suffer as well. A bold, relevant, and real brand image is the best basis for developing brand equity.

2. Build Brand Awareness position customers.

Building brand equity requires effective marketing and advertising. Marketing is always a learning experience. That means marketing and advertising that tells a unified, captivating story tailored to your exact target demographic and delivered on the platforms where they spend the most time. Every time they offer anything new, even the most well-known firms take the time to test how their message is received by consumers. It’s critical to monitor how the audience reacts to changes, what they like and dislike, and whether their demands are met; therefore, Social media competitor analysis tools will help.

3. Focus on creating the best customer experiences

With the rise of social media the ability to voice opinions and share experiences online have also increased, brands are no longer defined by how they show themselves in advertisements. The brands are what people experience.


Overall, building personal brand equity is more than a technique for the Brand Equity Management system to create short-term sales and long-term value. The equity component of your branding strategy must be included because it has a significant impact on a brand’s capacity to develop and maintain a competitive advantage. If there is one advantage that the world’s most powerful brands have over their weaker competitors, it is brand equity. More than just a metric, social media competitor analysis is beneficial to both organizations and consumers. Measuring your own brand equity against the above measures can give you a decent idea of where your brand’s value stands today.

